Blog & Articles by Jakob Oswald

Blog Post

Communicating organizational changes with “Team Topologies”

Whenever the need arises to set up a new team, split a team into two or move responsibilities between teams it is necessary to have a good idea of where you are and where you want to be after the change. Additionally to the current and final states you will very likely have phases with intermediate states. To help everyone involved to have a shared understanding of which phases you will transition through - and when responsibilities and communication channels have to be created or changed - a visual representation of these states can be used to paint a (literal) common picture.

Blog Post

Testing your GitLab CI/CD pipeline

If you develop a pipeline as a service for other development teams you should treat it as a product and establish product development processes, a versioning strategy, etc. around it. Besides that, as potentially many teams will use and rely on your pipeline you want to make sure that new features don’t break existing functionality. This ensures that your customer base remains happy and able to deliver business value. Therefore you need some sort of testing and we will demonstrate a way to (integration-) test your GitLab CI/CD pipeline.