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Alle bisherigen Folgen
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Ein wichtiger Bestandteil des digitalen Handels
Lena Kraaz
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Verstehen, kommunizieren, messen
Sven Johann
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Conway’s Law und Soziologie in der Softwarearchitektur
Gerrit Beine
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Bessere Architekturdokumentation
Mit Hilfsmitteln aus dem Domain-driven Design
Michael Plöd
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Die vergessene Architektursicht
Sven Johann
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The trouble with subtyping
An introduction to type bounds and variance
Daniel Westheide
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Infrastructure as Code auf Kubernetes
mit Helm und Helmfile
Tammo van Lessen
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Software-Systeme datengetrieben analysieren
Markus Harrer
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Wie man mit DRY, YAGNI und SOLID eine Architektur ruiniert
Johannes Seitz
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