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Alle bisherigen Folgen
Bessere APIs, aber wie?
API Linting mit Spectral verbessert die Qualität von APIs
Erik Wilde
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Platform Engineering: Nützlich oder agiler Wein in neuen Schläuchen?
Erik Wilde
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Domain-Driven Design? Das ist doch nur Bloat!
Fabian Kretzer
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Faktenbasierte LLM-Chatbots für Deine Domäne
Marco Steinke
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Wie, schon wieder ein LTS-Release?
Das erwartet dich mit JDK 21!
Michael Vitz
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Programmierbare CI/CD-Pipelines lokal entwickeln - mit dagger.io
Fabian Kretzer
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We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
We‘d love to show you a YouTube video right here. To do that, we need your consent to load third party content from youtube.com
Höher, schneller, weiter: Neue Qualitäten braucht das Land!
Dr. Gernot Starke
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Wie löse ich knifflige Probleme in Softwaresystemen?
Markus Harrer
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Systems Thinking: Combining Team Topologies with Context Maps
Michael Plöd
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Dein Plattform-Team verdient diese Bezeichnung (vermutlich) nicht
Anja Kammer
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