Architektur 101 Workshop: Praktisch, konzentriert und ohne Hype
Softwarearchitektur trägt wesentlich zum Projekterfolg bei. Dieser Workshop vermittelt jenseits des Hypes das Wichtigste, das notwendig ist, um als Softwarearchitektin erfolgreich zu sein. Egal, ob es um die Rolle und das Verhalten von Softwarearchitekt innen geht oder um Architektursichten und Dokumentation – der Workshop vermittelt alle wichtigen Grundlagen. Dabei kommt auch das Handling von nichtfunktionalen Anforderungen bzw. Qualitätszielen nicht zu kurz. Neben Vorträgen gibt es Übungen zum Mitmachen sowie weitere Elemente, die ohne Folien auskommen.
09:00 - 17:00
Conference / Event
W-JAX 2019
The Westin Grand Munich, München
Eberhard Wolff
Eberhard Wolff worked as a Fellow at INNOQ until July 2023, advising clients on architectures and technologies. His technological focus is on modern architecture approaches – cloud, continuous delivery, DevOps, or microservices often play a significant role. He is the author of over a hundred articles and books, including on topics such as Microservices , Microservice Technologies , and Continuous Delivery .
Franziska Dessart
Senior Consultant
Franziska Dessart is a senior consultant at INNOQ.
She’s been working with the web for more than 15 years and is enthused about architectures like Self-Contained Systems and Microfrontends. Don’t miss a chance to ask Franziska about her experience programming in remote mob teams.
Markus Harrer
Senior Consultant
Markus Harrer is a software modernization consultant who’s passionate about improving the way we do software development. He specialized in the analysis of software data and systems to show the underlying problems of the symptoms we face on the surface. He is an active contributor in communities on the topics of Software Analytics, software architecture, software modernization and Wardley Maps. He is also an accredited trainer for the iSAQB Foundation Level and the Advanced Level Module IMPROVE and is iSAQB Foundation Level certified. He is the author of the books “Strategic Moves - Evolving software systems the smart way” (currently only available in German) and “Quality Tactics - Developing Quality-Driven Solution Strategies for Software Architectures” as well as co-author of the book “Software Reviews - Identifying Risks and Problems in Software”.
Benjamin Wolf
Senior Consultant
Ben is an architect and a developer at INNOQ. He focuses on modernising legacy systems, architectural documentation, as well as architecture consulting and development. He particularly emphasizes the development processes and the team’s attitude towards software quality. He shares his vision of software quality as a speaker at conferences and meetups, as well as in training sessions. He is a certified trainer for the iSAQB Foundation Level and the iSAQB Advanced modules ADOC and IMPROVE.
Ben is a committer in the arc42 project, an active member of iSAQB e. V., and currently the deputy chairman of the association.