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Today’s data engineering shifted from building monolithic data pipeline structures to modular data products.

Data Product Components
Data Product Components

A data product is the deliverable that contains everything around a business concept to fulfill a data consumer’s need:

A data product is usually managed in one Git repository. Databricks is one of the most popular modern data platforms, now how can we engineer a professional data product with Databricks?

A workflow job deployed as a Databricks Asset Bundle
A workflow job deployed as a Databricks Asset Bundle

In this article, we will use Data Contracts and the new Databricks Asset Bundles that are a great fit to implement data products. All source code of this example project is available on GitHub.

Define the Data Contract

Before we start implementing, let’s discuss and define the business requirements. What does our data consumer need from us, what is their use case, what do they expect as a data model. And we need to make sure, that we understand and share the same semantics, quality expectations, and expected service levels.

We call this approach contract-first. We start designing the interface of the provided data model and its metadata as a data contract. We use the data contract to drive the implementation.

In our example, the COO of an e-commerce company wants to know if there is an issue with articles that are not sold for a longer period, i.e., articles with no sale during the last three months, the so-called shelf warmers.

In collaboration with the data consumer, we define a data contract as YAML, using the Data Contract Specification.

dataContractSpecification: 0.9.3
id: urn:datacontract:fulfillment:stock-last-sales
  title: Last Sales
  version: 1.0.0
  description: |
    The data model contains all articles that are in stock.
    For every article the last sale timestamp is defined.
  owner: Fulfillment
    name: John Doe (Data Product Owner)
    url: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3Ad7X0bzOrUrZ-QAGu0nTxlWACe5HOQ-8Joql71A_00000%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=4d213734-d5a1-4130-8024-00000000&tenantId=b000e7de-5c4d-41a2-9e67-00000000
    type: databricks
    host: dbc-abcdefgh-1234.cloud.databricks.com
    catalog: acme
    schema: stock-last-sales
  usage: >
    Data can be used for reports, analytics and machine learning use cases.
    Order may be linked and joined by other tables
  limitations: >
    Not suitable for real-time use cases.
  billing: free
  noticePeriod: P3M
    description: One record per article that is currently in stock
    type: table
        description: The article number (stock keeping unit)
        type: string
        primary: true
        pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{8,14}$
        minLength: 8
        maxLength: 14
        example: "96385074"
        description: The total amount of articles that are currently in stock in all warehouses.
        type: long
        minimum: 1
        required: true
        description: The business timestamp in UTC when there was the last sale for this article. Null means that the article was never sold.
        type: timestamp
        description: The technical timestamp in UTC when this row was updated
        type: timestamp
        required: true
    percentage: 99.9%
    period: 1 year
    threshold: 25 hours
    timestampField: articles.processing_timestamp
    description: Data is updated once a day
    type: batch
    cron: 0 0 * * *
  - type: csv
    data: |
  type: SodaCL
    checks for articles:
      - row_count > 1000

The dataset will contain all articles that currently are in stock and it includes the last_sale_timestamp, the attribute that is most relevant for the COO. The COO can easily filter in their BI tool (such as PowerBI, redash, …) for articles with last_sale_timestamp older than three months. Terms and service Level attributes make it clear that the dataset is update daily at midnight.

Create the Databricks Asset Bundle

Now it is time to develop a data product that implements this data contract. Databricks recently added the concept of Databricks Asset Bundles that are a great fit to structure and develop data products. As time of writing in March 2024, they are in Public Preview, meaning ready for production-use.

Databricks Asset Bundles include all the infrastructure and code files to actually deploy data transformations to Databricks:

The Databricks CLI bundles these assets and deploys them to Databricks Platform, internally it uses Terraform. Asset Bundles are well-integrated into the Databricks Platform, e.g., it is not possible to edit code or jobs directly in Databricks, which enables a strict version control of all code and pipeline configuration.

Bundles are extremely useful, when you have multiple environments, such as dev, staging, and production. You can deploy the same bundle to multiple targets with different configurations.

To create a bundle, let’s init in a new bundle:

databricks bundle init

We use this configuration:

When we look into the bundle structure, let’s have a quick look at the most relevant files:

Note: We recommend to maintain an internal bundle as template that incorporates the company’s naming conventions, global policies, best practices, and integrations.

With asset bundles, we can write our code locally in our preferred IDE, such as VS Code (using the Databricks extension for Visual Studio Code), PyCharm, or IntelliJ IDEA (using Databricks Connect).

Databricks Asset Bundle in IntelliJ IDEA
Databricks Asset Bundle in IntelliJ IDEA

To set up a local Python environment, we can use venv and install the development dependencies:

python3.10 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Generate Unity Catalog Table

How do we organize the data for our data product? In this example, we use Unity Catalog to manage storage as managed tables. On an isolation level, we decide that one data product should represent one schema in Unity Catalog.

We can leverage the data contract YAML to generate infrastructure code:

The model defines the table structure of the target data model. With the Data Contract CLI tool, we can generate the SQL DDL code for the CREATE TABLE statement.

datacontract export --format sql datacontract.yaml

-- Data Contract: urn:datacontract:fulfillment:stock-last-sales
-- SQL Dialect: databricks
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE acme.stock_last_sales.articles (
  sku STRING primary key,
  quantity BIGINT not null,
  last_sale_timestamp TIMESTAMP,
  processing_timestamp TIMESTAMP not null

The Data Contract CLI tool is also available as a Python Library datacontract-cli. So let’s add it to the requirements-dev.txt and use it in directly in a Databricks notebook to actually create the table in Unity Catalog:

Use Data Contract CLI to create the Unity Catalog Table
Use Data Contract CLI to create the Unity Catalog Table

The Unity Catalog tables is a managed tables that internally uses the Delta format for efficient storage.

The created table in Unity Catalog
The created table in Unity Catalog

Develop Transformation Code

Now, let’s write the core transformation logic. With Python-based Databricks Asset Bundles, we can develop our data pipelines as:

In this data product, we’ll write plain Python files for our core transformation logic that will be deployed as Wheel packages.

Our transformation takes all available stocks that we get from an input port, such as the operational system that manages the current stock data, and left-joins the dataframe with the latest sales timestamp for every sku. The sales information are also an input port, e.g., another upstream data product provided by the checkout team. We store the resulting dataframe in the previously generated table structure.

Transformation code as plain Python code
Transformation code as plain Python code

With that option, the code remains reusable, easy to test with unit tests, and we can run it on our local machines. As professional data engineers, we make sure that the calculate_last_sales() function works as expected by writing good unit tests.

Unit Tests
Unit Tests

We update the job configuration to run the Python code as a python_wheel_task and configure the scheduler and the appropriate compute cluster.

# The main job for stock_last_sales. resources:
      name: stock_last_sales_job

        # Run every day at midnight
        quartz_cron_expression: '0 0 0 * * ?'
        timezone_id: Europe/Amsterdam

        - task_key: create_unity_catalog_table
          job_cluster_key: job_cluster
            notebook_path: ../src/create_unity_catalog_table.ipynb
            - pypi:
                package: datacontract-cli

        - task_key: main_task
            - task_key: create_unity_catalog_table
          job_cluster_key: job_cluster
            package_name: stock_last_sales
            entry_point: main
            - whl: ../dist/*.whl

        - job_cluster_key: job_cluster
            spark_version: 13.3.x-scala2.12
            node_type_id: i3.xlarge
                min_workers: 1
                max_workers: 4

When we are confident, we can deploy the bundle to our Databricks dev instances (manually for now):

databricks bundle deploy

And let’s trigger a manual run of our workflow:

databricks bundle run stock_last_sales_job

In Databricks, we can see that the workflow run was successful:

A job in Databricks
A job in Databricks

And we have data in our table that we created earlier.

The result of our data pipeline
The result of our data pipeline

Test the Data Contract

We are not quite finished with our task. How do we know, that the data is correct? While we have unit tests that give us confidence on the transformation code, we also need an acceptance test to verify, that we implemented the agreed data contract correctly.

For that, we can use the Data Contract CLI tool to make this check:

export DATACONTRACT_DATABRICKS_HTTP_PATH=/sql/1.0/warehouses/b053xxxxxxx
export DATACONTRACT_DATABRICKS_TOKEN=dapia1926f7c64b7595880909xxxxxxxxxx
datacontract test datacontract.yaml

The datacontract tool takes all the schema and format information from the model, the quality attributes, and the metadata, and compares them with the actual dataset. It reads the connection details from the servers section and connects to Databricks executes all the checks and gives a comprehensive overview.

Data Contract Test Results
Data Contract Test Results

We want to execute this test with every pipeline run, so once again, let’s make a Notebook task for the test:

Data Contract Test as Notebook
Data Contract Test as Notebook

Deploy with CI/CD

To automatically test, deploy the Asset Bundle to Databricks, and finally run the job once, we set up a CI/CD pipeline in GitHub, using a GitHub Action.

name: "Deploy Databricks Assets Bundle"
    branches: [ "main" ]

    name: "Run unit tests"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Python ${{matrix.python-version}}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: "3.10"
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
      - name: Test with pytest
        run: pytest
          DATABRICKS_HOST: ${{ secrets.DATABRICKS_HOST }}
          DATABRICKS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SP_TOKEN }}

    name: "Deploy bundle to DEV"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - test

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: databricks/setup-cli@main
      - run: databricks bundle deploy
        working-directory: .
          DATABRICKS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SP_TOKEN }}
    name: "Run pipeline"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - deploy

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: databricks/setup-cli@main
      - run: databricks bundle run stock_last_sales_job --refresh-all
        working-directory: .
          DATABRICKS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SP_TOKEN }}

Now, every time we update the code, the Asset Bundle is automatically deployed to Databricks.

CI/CD workflow in GitHub
CI/CD workflow in GitHub

Publish Metadata

For others to find, understand, and trust data products, we want to register them in a data product registry.

In this example, we use Data Mesh Manager, a platform to register, manage, and discover data products, data contracts, and global policies.

Metadata in Data Mesh Manager
Metadata in Data Mesh Manager

Again, let’s create a notebook task (or Python code task) to publish the metadata to Data Mesh Manager and add the task to our workflow. We can use Databricks Secrets to make the API Key available in Databricks.

databricks secrets create-scope datamesh_manager
databricks secrets put-secret datamesh_manager api_key
Publish Metadata
Publish Metadata


Now, the COO can connect to this table with a BI tool (such as PowerBI, Tableau, Redash, or withing Databricks) to answer their business question.

Analytics within Databricks
Analytics within Databricks

Databricks Asset Bundles are a great fit to develop professional data products on Databricks, as it bundles all the resources and configurations (code, tests, storage, compute, scheduler, metadata, …) that are needed to provide high-quality datasets to data consumers.

It is easy to integration Data Contracts for defining the requirements and the Data Contract CLI to automate acceptance tests.

Find the source code for the example project on GitHub.

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