
Systems Thinking by combining Team Topologies with Context Maps

Key takeaways

Team Topologies and Context Maps are two interesting approaches to visualize sociotechnical architectures. However, using each method on its own, you will not be able to capture a truly holistic view of the system as a whole, but you can use both in combination and this is what this talk is about. This talk will introduce a Systems Thinking perspective on those two approaches and explain how both can be leveraged in combination to get a deep dive on many interactions in a system of teams and software. Those interactions include: - team relationships - team dependencies - propagation of domain models - governance related communication - provisioning of APIs services. However, we will also look at the components of the system with Team Topologies being team centric and Context Maps being bounded context centric. I will finally explain how you can use both methods to visualize alignments between domains, bounded contexts and teams. This talk assumes that you have a basic understanding of strategic Domain-Driven Design (esp. Bounded Contexts and Context Maps) open_in_new

09:20 - 10:25
Konferenz / Veranstaltung
Øredev Developer Conference
Malmö Mässan, Exhibition & Conference Center, Malmö