In this article, I want to show how data products for a data mesh can be created with the help of Terraform. The presented work should be a starting point for both data people to get into Data Mesh and for the open-source community to develop collaboratively helpful tools based on real customer needs within the industry.

All examples and the developed modules use AWS and corresponding services. However, there are a lot more ways to implement a data mesh architecture. [1]

Let’s start with a brief overview about data mesh, data products and Terraform.

What is Data Mesh?

Data Mesh is a new sociotechnical approach to decentralized data architecture with the goal of deriving value from data even in large enterprises. It is based on four principles:

 Figure 1: The four Data Mesh principles
Figure 1: The four Data Mesh principles

If you have further interest to learn about Data Mesh, I’d recommend the following resources:

One of the core components of Data Mesh is a Data Product. In the next section, we’ll dive into what a data product is.

What is a data product?

A data product is an autonomous technical component that contains all data, code, and interfaces to serve the domain team’s or other teams' analytical data needs. You can think of a microservice, but for analytical data.

Data products connect to sources, such as operational systems or other data products, and perform data transformation. Data products can produce analytical data in different formats.

For a better understanding and to support the design process of data products, my colleagues propose the so-called „Data Product Canvas”, inspired by the Bounded Context Canvas from Domain-Driven Design:

 Figure 2: Data Product Canvas
Figure 2: Data Product Canvas

Looking at the canvas and the structure of a data product, it has

Also, a data product should expose metadata (e.g. information about the ownership) and details about observability (e.g. quality metrics) through separate endpoints.

Since we now know what a data product is and how it should look like, we can start to create one on AWS.

Data products on AWS

Fortunately, my colleagues already created a recommendation which AWS services can be used, based on their practical experience:

Bringing those four services and the concept of a data product together, we could use AWS S3 (more specifically a S3 bucket) as an input port. We can also store the output data of our transformation in a S3 bucket. To be able to describe the input and output data, it’s possible to add schemas (e.g. JSON Schema) and corresponding data tables to AWS Glue. What’s left is the actual execution of the data transformation. This can be achieved with a small application written for AWS Lambda, which calls AWS Athena to execute a query on a specified data source.

As you might guess, we now have reached the point to move over to AWS and to create the described resources. Basically, there are two possible ways of doing so:

I see a few down-sides with this approach:

Don’t Use Manual Procedures

As stated in the book, „people just aren’t as repeatable as computers are”.

Fortunately, software developers already solved these downsides, which brings us to the next building block within this article: Terraform.

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool, which enables developers (or in our case the domain teams) to automate provisioning, compliance, and management of any cloud. It uses a declarative configuration language, „HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)”. The HCL definitions are stored in .tf files and can therefore be versioned within the domain team’s code repository.

The following example shows how an AWS S3 bucket can be provisioned on AWS with Terraform:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "my_aws_s3_bucket" {
  bucket = "my-aws-s3-bucket"

  tags = {
    Name        = "My bucket"
    Environment = "Dev"
Listing 1: Provision a S3 bucket on AWS

Terraform takes care of comparing all locally defined resources (the desired state) with all existing resources on the remote side (the actual state, in our example on AWS). In case of a difference between the desired and actual state, Terraform will apply all necessary changes (CRUD) to match the desired state.

Another important concept are Terraform Modules:

Modules are containers for multiple resources that are used together. A module consists of a collection of .tf and/or .tf.json files kept together in a directory. Modules are the main way to package and reuse resource configurations with Terraform.

With Terraform modules it’s possible to organize, encapsulate and re-use (complex) configurations. This can reduce errors and will improve the consistency when writing new modules.

The typical structure of a Terraform module is the following:

Listing 2: Typical structure of a Terraform module

The files LICENSE and are self-explanatory. is used to specify the inputs of the Terraform module. Each input has a data type such as string, list or object. In the actual module is defined, e.g. which services should be provisioned based on the input defined in Within the last file all outgoing data of the module can be defined. This is useful when connecting multiple Terraform modules with each other, where the „succeeding” modules should use an output value of a „previous” module.

Within a module, it’s also possible to define further *.tf files to organize and structure a configuration. All resources in the same folder can be referenced:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "my_bucket" {
  bucket = "my-aws-s3-bucket"
Listing 3:
module "my_terraform_module" {
  bucket_name = aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket.bucket # Access name of the S3 bucket

Listing 4:

Terraform should enable us to create one or more modules, which contain the steps to provision necessary resources and their interconnections, including rights management. Afterwards, arbitrary domain teams can use those modules and setup data products in a repeatable (and hopefully less error-prone) way.

Write a module for Terraform

As mentioned in the previous section, Terraform should provide the necessary features to create data products in a declarative and re-usable way. First, we’re faced with the question of how the module should look like from a user-perspective.

How should the module look like from a user-perspective?

A good starting point is to have again a look at the Data Product Canvas described under „What is a data product?”. Besides input and output ports, we need a transformation part (e.g. an SQL query). It would also be good to be able to assign a name and the corresponding domain to the data product.

Transferred to Terraform, this would look like the following:

module "data_product" {
  domain   = "<domain_name>"
  name     = "<product_name>"

  input     = "<some_input>"
  transform = "<some_transform>"
  output    = "<some_output>"
Listing 5: Module from a user-perspective

What we’ve missed in our code snippet from the Data Product Canvas are the other endpoints „Metadata” and „Observability”. In terms of software development, both can be described as machine-readable endpoints (e.g. REST-endpoints), which can be consumed by other services (e.g. a catalog which displays all existing data products). These endpoints could also be used as inputs for other data products. However, from a user-perspective this is nothing we want to define. The data product should „just” make available these endpoints for us.

Based on our considerations, we can now go one step deeper and think about the internal structure of our Terraform module.

The inner core

As mentioned earlier, Terraform allows us to organize the module code in different files. Since we already know which AWS services we need and how the parts of a data product should be named, the following structure should sound familiar:

Listing 6: The inner core

The following picture shows a graphical representation of all used services and their interconnections:

 Figure 3: Overview Terraform module
Figure 3: Overview Terraform module „terraform-dataproduct-aws-athena”

The entire code of the current state of the module can be found in the repository on GitHub.

Let’s create a data product

To get an idea of how the previous work can be used to create data products, let’s start with a real world example.

An online retailer with local stores wants to identify so-called „shelf warmers”[3]. All stock changes will be published via Kafka. All messages will be stored within an AWS S3 bucket. The data has the following structure:

  "location": "042",
  "article": "b0cdf759-ec06-41a3-b253-7ac907fea97",
  "quantity": 5,
  "timestamp": "2022-12-01T10:42:00Z"
Listing 7: Event data stock_updated

The data engineer of the domain team has already written an SQL query to identify all shelf warmers within the stored data. With our previous work, we can create the following data product:

module shelf_warmers {
  source = "[email protected]:datamesh-architecture/terraform-dataproduct-aws-athena.git"

  domain   = "fulfillment"
  name     = "shelf_warmers"

  input     = [ "s3://fulfillment-stock-updated" ]
  transform = "sql/transform.sql"
  output    = {
    schema  = "schema/shelf_warmers.schema.json"
    format  = "PARQUET"
Listing 8: Data product shelf_warmers

The module „shelf_warmers” references the git repository of our developed Terraform module. All listed variables are taken from our previously defined file. The input for our data product is a link to an existing AWS S3 bucket. Transform points to the SQL file written by our data engineer. Output describes that we’re producing Parquet files based on the referenced JSON schema.

All we have to do now (besides adding our credentials for AWS, which I have omitted here) is to start provisioning the necessary resources with the corresponding Terraform command:

terraform apply
Listing 9: Terraform command to apply configuration

This will create a long list of resources which needs to be created by Terraform. The following snapshot shows only a small excerpt of the output:

dataproduct-shelf_warmers % terraform apply

** Reading...**
** Reading...**
** Reading...**
** Reading...**
** Reading...**
** Read complete after 0s [id=3693445097]**
** Read complete after 0s [id=3362990530]**
** Read complete after 0s [id=1490858917]**
** Read complete after 0s [id=2747066667]**
** Read complete after 0s [id=2375223563]**

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:

  + create
 <= read (data resources)

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# will be read during apply

  # (depends on a resource or a module with changes pending)


Plan: 30 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value:
Listing 10: Terraform output when applying configuration

After entering yes the process continues and all necessary services will be provisioned.

Via the HTTP REST endpoint, it’s possible to retrieve information about the data product:

Content-Type: application/json
Listing 11: HTTP Request
    "domain": "fulfillment",
    "name": "shelf_warmers",
    "output": {
        "location": "arn:aws:s3:::fulfillment-shelf-warmers/output/data/"
Listing 12: HTTP Response payload


In this article, I presented the current state of our work to create data products for a Data Mesh on AWS. To provision the necessary resources and create a usable interface for people without a software development background, I’ve used Terraform (Modules). The results of the work can be found as open-source modules on GitHub.

Additional notes

Links and references

  1. https://www.datamesh––stacks  ↩

  2. Thomas, David and Andrew Hunt. The Pragmatic Programmer: your journey to mastery. 20th Anniversary Edition, Addison Wesley, 2019.  ↩

  3. Shelf warmers are articles in commerce that have been in stock for e.g. 3 months but have not been sold  ↩

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