Blog & Artikel von Stefanie Heinrich


How to bootstrap a tech conference with a 100% women+ speaker lineup

A tech conference focused on data and AI in the midst of a hype around machine learning, and LLMs in particular. Fair enough. But what we had in mind when planning the first edition of the Women+ in Data and AI summer festival in 2023 went beyond the latest trends in data engineering, machine learning, data science, and MLOps. We wanted to celebrate the excellence of women+ in the field. And to take it a step further, we wanted to provide our speakers and attendees with a safe and supportive environment - not only for learning, but also for networking and personal growth. Did we succeed?


Was darf Employer Branding kosten?

Eigenverantwortlichkeit, Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Familie, wenig Reisetätigkeit: Dinge, die man nicht mit der Arbeit als Consultant in einer Technologieberatung in Verbindung bringt. Wie es wirklich ist, bei uns zu arbeiten, zeigen die INNOQ Stories – Reportagen über unsere Kolleg:innen. Wie kam es dazu?


Code knows no gender

Der INNOQ Girls’Day 2022