Blog & Artikel von Lucas Dohmen


Choose Your Docker Base Image Wisely

A while ago, I ran into a problem with my application that only occurred in production but not locally. The reason we use Docker both locally and in production is to prevent exactly that from happening. What went wrong?


JavaScript? Gern, aber bitte in Maßen

Die Vorteile eines klassischen Architekturansatzes für Web-Anwendungen



Ein Überblick über Google Cloud Spanner, Amazon Aurora, Azure Cosmos DB und CockroachDB


Building Component-Based Front Ends with Rails

Our latest Ruby on Rails front-end project strongly emphasizes a component-based approach. In this post, we briefly explain how a tiny helper not only helped us render UI components, but also resulted in better components thanks to well-defined contracts and effortless composition.


FP vs. OO

I recently came across a tweet stating that there were no people who «defend OO vs. FP» that actually used FP in real projects. This is not the first time I came across statements like this (like in a blog posts portraying functional programmers as being higher on the «evolutionary ladder» than object-oriented programmers). Another claim I hear again and again is that «only Functional Programming can solve the problems of the modern age (like multi-core computing)». I disagree with both claims.



Comparing two architectural styles with a concrete example