Yaniv Yemini wrote a small GnuPG Java Wrapper API.
Just had a small look over it.
So to get it your version from here: http://www.macnews.co.il/mageworks/java/gnupg
Here is just a small demo:
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.gpg.java.GnuPG; public class Loader { public static void main (String args[]){ GnuPG pgp = new GnuPG (); String toolChain[] = {"sign", "clearsign", "signAndEncrypt", "encrypt", "decrypt"}; String message = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Message you want to encrypt?", "Enter your message", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); String keyID = "0x56B69D6B"; System.out.println("using message: "+message); System.out.println("using key ID: "+keyID); for(String tool : toolChain){ System.out.println("running: "+tool); if(tool.equals("sign")){ String passPhrase = enterPassPhrase(tool); pgp.sign (message, passPhrase); } if(tool.equals("clearsign")){ String passPhrase = enterPassPhrase(tool); pgp.clearSign (message, passPhrase); } if(tool.equals("signAndEncrypt")){ String passPhrase = enterPassPhrase(tool); pgp.signAndEncrypt (message, keyID, passPhrase); } if(tool.equals("encrypt")){ pgp.encrypt (message, keyID); } if(tool.equals("decrypt")){ String passPhrase = enterPassPhrase(tool); pgp.decrypt (message, passPhrase); } System.out.println("result: " + pgp.getGpg_result() + "\n\n"); System.out.println("error: " + pgp.getGpg_err() + "\n\n"); System.out.println("exit: " + pgp.getGpg_exitCode() + "\n\n"); } } public static String enterPassPhrase(String usage){ return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter the Passphrase of your private Key for "+usage, "Passphrase", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } }Unforntunetally there is a Problem with decrypting a message. It is possible to decrypt the String with the gpg CI Version, but within Java it does not work. So maybe the error is on my site :-).
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