Blog & Articles


Requirements Engineering

Requirements the basis of efficient software development

Blog Post

Kubernetes Probes

How to use readiness, liveness, and startup probes

Blog Post

Using Javascript plugins in Go

There are projects, where you want to create an application, that is extensible by other parties without access to the sources iteself or re-compiling the whole binary. This concept is known as modules, plugins or features nowadays. This might be the case if you are creating a client application (e.g. to implement scripting functionality), but also if you want to have your server application extensible by third parties.

Blog Post

About unit and integration tests


Command & Control, SAFe, Domain-driven Design, and Release Trains

Handling Complex Software Projects


Identification of quality requirements with Quality Storming

Quality Storming is a workshop for the identification of quality requirements based on a quality model, for example ISO 25010, using methods and ideas of Collaborative Modeling, which is popular in the Domain-driven Design Community. An important aspect in this context is a cross-collaboration of different stakeholders and skill sets.


Einführung in ReplicaSet und Service

Schleusen auf im Kubernetes-Cluster

Blog Post

Hidden Champion - SQLite Datenbanken in Go

Blog Post

Don’t tell me I’m not building a web application

How do we decide what technology stack that we want to use for any given project? Is it really based on how perfectly well suited the technology is to the problem at hand or do we really just want to use the technologies that we like and are comfortable with? I’m happy in my filter bubble, rendering web applications on the server and progressively enhancing them on the client. But I also recognize my bias. Do you?


Das eierlegende Truffleschwein

Polyglotte Programmierung mit Truffle und GraalVM


Was ist die Magie von Spring Boot?

Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen


Warum Domain-driven Design?

Domain-driven Design (DDD) ist eine alte Technik, aber gerade voll im Hype. Worum geht es bei DDD und ist der Hype berechtigt?

Blog Post

Warum _nicht_ geiler ist als Spring

Blog Post

Rails und DRY-Zugriffsrechte

mit CanCan(Can) und ein wenig Spucke


Brauchen asynchrone Microservices und SCS ein Service Mesh?

Service Meshes heben viele Randfunktionen von Microservices wie Monitoring, Routing und Sicherheit in die Infrastruktur und sind entsprechend beliebt in Microservice-Architekturen - doch schaffen sie diesen beachtlichen Mehrwert auch bei asynchroner Kommunikation oder in Self-contained Systems?


Architektur­entscheidung im agilen Team

Zusammen Architektur machen

Blog Post

So you want to compose some functions


Software-Architektur: Worauf es ankommt

Die Architektur definiert die Struktur eines Software-Systems und ist zentral für den Erfolg eines Projekts. Deswegen ist Software-Architektur so wichtig. Aber in Wirklichkeit ist Software-Architektur noch viel mehr und eine erfolgreiche Software-Architektur erfordert viele, teilweise überraschende Maßnahmen.

Blog Post

An Introduction to TypeScript

for Backend Development (and Java Developers)

Blog Post

Traefik v2 and Mastodon, a wonderful couple!

A practical guide to setting up Mastodon behind Traefik v2 using docker-compose


JavaScript? Yes, but in moderation

The benefits of classic architecture decisions for web applications.

Blog Post

Cloud Computing and Carbon Footprint

How vendor lock-in can harm a company’s green business plan

Blog Post

What Could Possibly Go Wrong

Polyglot Party with Nextjournal

Blog Post


Some time ago I was looking for some simple, lightweight tool to document a complex, modularized model. I was not able to find anything that fits my requirements or expectations, so I came up with my own idea. Today, a good 15 months later, I want to introduce it to you.


Alle 11 Minuten verliebt sich ein Microservice in Linkerd

Das Istio Service Mesh hat einen sympathischen Konkurrenten