

Articles, podcasts, talks, and more about Documentation.

Die Reise der Zalando Reliability Organisation

Zu Gast: Heinrich Hartmann, 
Principal SRE
, Zalando


Was ist Programmieren?

Peter Naur’s “Programming as Theory Building” heute



Erhöhte Development Experience

Blog Post

Concise Documentation – Revisited

You think architecture documentation is cumbersome and takes a long time to create? We will prove you wrong.

Blog Post

Draw The Diff

Software developers have an idiosyncratic penchant for boxes and arrows. Back when we used to go to the office we penned them on whiteboards. Later, as the force majeure accelerated the digital transformation of our economies, we drew them online.


Babylon as a Feature

Multi-lingual documentation, made simple

Blog Post

How AI will replace my job

In late 2022, I decided to try to use ChatGPT, an AI language processor, to do some of my daily software development work. Now, only a few weeks later, I am convinced AI might soon do most of my current work, at least measured by hours.


Sparsame Dokumentation

Ich weiß – Dokumentation ist nicht Ihr Lieblingsthema. Deswegen bekommen Sie hier ein paar Tipps für schmerzfreie Dokumentation. Die hier vorgestellten Ideen sparen Ihnen wertvolle Zeit, sowohl bei Erstellung als auch Pflege der Dokumentation. Sie funktionieren für jede Art von Softwaresystem, unabhängig von Werkzeugen, Technologien und Entwicklungsansätzen.


1×1 guter Architekturdiagramme

Von schlechter zu besser mit 11 praktischen Tipps


Dokumentation technisch umsetzen

Das Tooling macht's aus

Blog Post

Rich code documentation with Jekyll

Static site generation is a perfect fit for publishing documentation. In a recent project, we chose to use a combination of Jekyll and NGINX to build and host the documentation. In this post, I show how to process and include other types of assets.

Blog Post

Customer-specific documentation with Jekyll


Principles of technical documentation

This article collects fundamental requirements for technical documentation, especially software architecture documentation, together with ideas how to satisfy those.

Blog Post


Some time ago I was looking for some simple, lightweight tool to document a complex, modularized model. I was not able to find anything that fits my requirements or expectations, so I came up with my own idea. Today, a good 15 months later, I want to introduce it to you.

Blog Post

arc42 - die Siebte



Über den richtigen Grad von Dokumentation für Softwarearchitekturen


Hilfreiche Architekturdokumentation in weniger als 60 Minuten

OOP 2025 / 18:30 - 20:00


Summer Goodie: Gernot Starke verschenkt arc42 Mini-Workshops


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