Data Mesh Workshop
Data Mesh is a hot topic, which we have addressed from our perspective with
Data Mesh is a socio-technical decentralized approach that enables domain teams to perform cross-domain data analysis on their own. It follows the ideas from Domain-driven Design, Product Thinking, Self-contained Systems, and Team Topologies, and extends them to analytical data. Engineering teams can use it to work independently in a data-driven way to make better decisions. But they also get more responsibility, as data products must now be operated in addition to web/mobile applications and APIs. Managed data products enable high quality cross-domain analytics and reporting.
For organizations that align their software development with domain-driven design and microservices or self-contained systems, Data Mesh could be a suitable data strategy.

We offer a 1-day workshop that clarifies the central questions for your company:
- What is data mesh in essence?
- Does data mesh make sense for us? Are we ready?
- How can we start to introduce Data Mesh?
The introduction of data mesh is a strategic decision and involves a number of organizational and technical prerequisites and consequences, as well as corresponding opportunities, which will be addressed in the workshop.
The workshop is aimed at decision-makers and should ideally consist of 5 to 8 participants from the following areas:
- Head of Data
- Head of Software-Engineering
- Head of Product
- Head of Operations/Cloud
- Software Architect
The workshop will be conducted by two experienced INNOQ consultants.
It was a great workshop thanks to your competent and flexible moderation! I especially liked how we worked through the (technical and organizational) changes caused by (the introduction of) Data Mesh in a very concrete way using the example of our product teams.
Jan SchwakeSenior Product Owner Data & Analytics, Interhyp Group
- 10:00 Introduction and expectations (30 min).
- 10:30 What is data mesh really? (90 min)
- 12:00 Lunch Break (60 min).
- 13:00 Does Data Mesh make sense for us? Are we ready for it? (90 min)
- 14:30 Coffee Break (30 min)
- 15:00 How do we start implementing data mesh? (90 min)
- 16:30 Open questions and feedback (30 min).
The agenda can be customized to organization-specific focus areas.
Sounds interesting? Book now.
Links and Resources
INNOQ Library
Data Mesh Architektur
Data Mesh ist ein sozio-technischer Ansatz, der es Entwicklungsteams ermöglicht, Datenanalysen autonom durchzuführen. Data Mesh setzt auf Dezentralisierung, die wir bereits aus der modernen Softwareentwicklung mit Domain Driven Design, autonomen, funktionsübergreifenden DevOps-Teams und Microservices kennen, und wendet diese konsequent auf die Welt der Daten und der Analyse an. Data Mesh basiert auf vier Prinzipien, die alle voneinander abhängen: Domain Ownership, Data as a Product, Self-serve Data Platform und Federated Computational Governance. In diesem Primer erklären wir Data Mesh aus der Engineering-Perspektive. Mehr Infos zu Data Mesh gibt es unter
Data Mesh – Eine dezentrale Datenarchitektur entwerfen
Wir befinden uns an einem Wendepunkt im Umgang mit Daten. Unser bisheriges Datenmanagement wird der Komplexität der Organisationsstrukturen, der immer zahlreicheren Datenquellen und dem steigenden Interesse am Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz nicht mehr gerecht. In diesem praxisorientierten Buch führt die Autorin Zhamak Dehghani in Data Mesh ein, ein dezentrales soziotechnisches Paradigma basierend auf Konzepten moderner verteilter Architekturen. Data Mesh ist ein neuer Ansatz für die Beschaffung, Bereitstellung, den Zugriff und die Verwaltung analytischer Daten, der auch skaliert.
Jochen Christ und Dr. Simon Harrer zeichnen für die deutsche Übersetzung des Buchs verantwortlich.