Legacy Modernization

Purpose-driven and iterative remediation over endless band-aid solutions.

What is legacy modernization and why embark on this journey?

The relevance of legacy systems stems from their long history and the fact that they support critical business functions. These systems store important data, automate processes, and support daily operations. Companies have made significant investments in the development and maintenance of these systems, and they are often indispensable for business operations.

Moreover, modernizing or migrating legacy systems can be time-consuming and costly. Enterprises face the challenge of balancing the maintenance of smooth operations with the need to adapt to modern technologies and business requirements.

Legacy systems are often the crown jewels of an enterprise. They encapsulate the essence of the business domain and have successfully supported day-to-day operations for many years.

Oliver Wolf Co-CEO and Principal Consultant

Benefits of legacy software modernization

Legacy modernization is like a renovation: Instead of continuing to invest in a dilapidated house, you create a solid foundation for the future. With the right measures, you transform your IT from a cost trap into a competitive advantage. We show you how to proceed step by step and the benefits you can expect.

The Path to legacy modernization

Legacy systems are often complex and have grown over years. The path to successful modernization can be rocky. We have developed a proven methodology with which we accompany you iteratively - from analysis to implementation. We start where you stand.

Software analysis

We create clarity through an analysis. Now we take a close look at your software. The thorough overview at the beginning gives us insights into where you stand with your software and where your acute problems come from. This review will also help us later to determine the right strategies and priorities for remediation.

We’re there when there’s a crisis

Should your software acutely find itself in a crisis, we provide first aid without any major detours. No matter whether it’s a performance or availability problem, our experts take care of solving threatening problems directly before we do anything else.

Modernization strategy

We design your modernization strategy! After we have captured the current situation, we discuss where you want to go. No matter if you want to part with technologies like mainframe, fat client or a programming language like Delphi. Now is the time to plan the path to modernization.

Technical remediation

We get hands-on and improve your legacy system using proven methods. In technical remediation, the system largely remains in place, but its quality is iteratively improved. Often, qualities such as stability, operational performance, or the optimization of a slow release process are at the center of improvement.

When nothing else works: rebuilding your software

Sometimes there is no way around a rebuild. Here, too, we use proven methods to precisely analyze the requirements for your software for today and tomorrow. We develop your new software according to modern standards and best practices. If desired, we train your team so that they can quickly integrate the new technologies and procedures into their daily routine. In many cases, we phase out your existing software gradually so that you can see results in the production environment quickly and without major risks.

How we have supported our customers

With years of experience and profound expertise, we transform legacy systems into modern IT solutions and future-proof existing infrastructures. Many of our customers are already convinced of this.

What our customers say about us

In all of our projects, we listen before we give advice. This approach allows us to gain a deep understanding of your business environment and the unique requirements of your modernization project. Here's what our customers have to say about working with us.

“INNOQ supports us as a partner not only in the technical implementation but also in the strategic digitalization of our business model.”

“The INNOQ architecture assessment helped us building the foundation of our future macro architecture.”

“One of the best, if not the best software consulting partnerships I personally ever had the privilege to experience. Thanks for the outstanding work.”

Get started immediately

Our workshops and assessments pave the way for your successful legacy modernization. In compact formats, we work with you and your team to develop the goals, requirements and framework conditions for your project. We ensure that all stakeholders are on board from the beginning and empowered to actively shape the modernization. With our workshops, you get a concrete roadmap and can confidently tackle the next steps.

Legacy system assessment

With our assessment, you get a comprehensive overview of the state of your software in just 4 to 5 days. We identify typical problems in grown systems and point out concrete areas for action. Our detailed analyses of architecture, code and development process make previously invisible construction sites visible. This way, you can clearly and understandably explain to management why investments in modernization are necessary. You learn where your software stands in comparison to modern architectures and development practices. Following the assessment, we work with you to develop a customized roadmap for modernization. Whether test automation, containerization, data mesh or organizational changes - we recommend solutions tailored to your individual goals and framework conditions.

Quality storming

Do you know if your software system is on track? Our one-day Quality Storming workshop helps you clearly define the goals of your system. Together we develop a framework for design, implementation and evaluation that everyone understands. You receive formulated quality goals as a basis for the architecture. We clarify quality drivers, concretize goals, resolve conflicts and create a quality roadmap. This way you find the right measure of quality for your project. Book your workshop now and start with a common understanding in the right direction!

Self-contained Systems - The right architectural approach for your modernization effort?

Are you facing a software modernization and wondering if Self-contained Systems (SCS) is the right approach? Our one-day workshop gives you the answer. Benefit from the practical experience of our experts who have implemented numerous systems with it. We show you the advantages and disadvantages of this architectural style in practice. Far from hype, we support you in making a well-founded decision. Together we analyze your specific requirements and determine whether SCS or an alternative architectural approach is the best solution for you.

Event storming

You are planning the modernization of your legacy systems and don’t know where to start? Our Event Storming workshop creates clarity and sets your project on a solid foundation. Together we analyze your domain, identify bounded contexts and uncover potential for improvement. You learn how you can find a common language and iteratively disentangle your systems through effective collaboration between domain experts and the development team. After just one day, you have a concrete roadmap for your modernization and can tackle the next steps in a targeted manner.

Securing Legacy Software

In this workshop, participants will engage in hands-on exercises with a large Java-based application to practice a systematic approach to addressing security issues in legacy software.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about legacy modernization? Here you will find answers to questions we are frequently asked.

What do we mean by legacy modernization?

Legacy modernization refers to the process of updating and improving aging software systems. This is necessary to ensure the adaptability of running software to operational, regulatory and market challenges.

Why is modernizing legacy systems important?

By modernizing legacy systems, companies can increase their efficiency, minimize security risks and support future growth with the help of a flexible IT architecture.

How do you determine which legacy systems should be modernized?

The decision is based on a thorough assessment of the current IT landscape, prioritizing systems with high maintenance costs, security risks, or that impede business innovation.

What solution approaches are there for legacy modernization?

When modernizing a legacy system, rehosting, refactoring, rearchitecting, rebuilding and replacing are only some of the solution ideas. We make the decision dependent on business goals, budgets, regulatory requirements and technical challenges.

How does legacy modernization impact IT security?

Modern systems integrate current security standards and technologies that reduce the risk of data leaks and attacks while improving compliance.

How long does a legacy modernization typically take and can it be implemented without interrupting operations?

The duration of a legacy modernization varies depending on the scope and complexity of the project, typically ranging from a few months to several years. Iterative approaches often allow modernization "on the fly" without crippling day-to-day business. Key factors for duration include the size of the existing system, the chosen modernization strategy, and the potential need to introduce new technologies.

Dive Deeper

The essential report for IT decision-makers

Legacy Modernization

Legacy software exists in almost every company. Often, it's critical for key processes and crucial to the success of the business. However, there comes a time for every piece of software when it must be modernized, lest it fail to meet current demands. In this report, we outline the key aspects of legacy modernization - from the initial assessment of existing systems to the implementation of modern technologies.


Legacy-Modernisierung: Shop-Monolithen knacken

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Legacy-Modernisierung: Transformationsstrategien in der Immobilienbewertung

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