

Für angemessene Qualität sorgen

Im aktuellen INNOQ Podcast spricht Anja Kammer mit Markus Harrer über "Qualitätstaktiken" – gezielte Maßnahmen, um Softwarequalität nachhaltig zu verbessern. Markus erklärt, wie diese Taktiken helfen, spezifische Qualitätsziele wie Wartbarkeit oder Performance zu erreichen. Außerdem stellt er sein aktuelles Buchprojekt vor. Darin gibt er Softwarearchitekt:innen und -entwickler:innen konkrete Werkzeuge an die Hand, mit denen sie die Qualität von Softwaresystemen verbessern können.
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Senior Consultant

Anja Kammer is a Senior Consultant at INNOQ and supports companies on their journey to the cloud. In addition to providing advice on development processes and platforms, she develops cloud-native web applications in cross-functional teams. She is also an accredited trainer and co-curator for the iSAQB Advanced Level module CLOUDINFRA.

Senior Consultant

Markus Harrer is a software modernization consultant who’s passionate about improving the way we do software development. He specialized in the analysis of software data and systems to show the underlying problems of the symptoms we face on the surface. He is an active contributor in communities on the topics of Software Analytics, software architecture, software modernization and Wardley Maps. He is also an accredited trainer for the iSAQB Foundation Level and the Advanced Level Module IMPROVE and is iSAQB Foundation Level certified. He is the author of the books “Strategic Moves - Evolving software systems the smart way” (currently only available in German) and “Quality Tactics - Developing Quality-Driven Solution Strategies for Software Architectures” as well as co-author of the book “Software Reviews - Identifying Risks and Problems in Software”.