First of all, let‘s look at the big pluses of vector images:

Of course vector formats are only suitable for non-bitmap content, e. g. icons.

When I got into iOS development with Xcode I started to export all images I needed in different sizes: Apple recommends 1x, 2x and 3x factors. Of course that immediately became tedious and made me look for alternatives. Luckily, Xcode 6.x supports vector assets – you just need an .xcassets file in your project for storing your images. In there, you can declare image sets to be «Vectors».

After doing that the image set can be used throughout Xcode like any other image. But there’s another advantage: When it comes to icons a typical use case is to embed the same icon in multiple scenarios. Like in web development with HTML, CSS and SVG we can colorize icon strokes in Xcode as well, so there’s no need to store multiple color variants of your icons in your Images.xcassets. You just need to set «Render as» to «Template image».

Setting a vector image to template image in Xcode
Setting a vector image to template image in Xcode

Then, your freshly added vector images are colorized in the tint color set in their properties in Interface Builder. If you can’t use Interface Builder and want to set the properties programmatically (in Swift):

myImageView.image = myImageView.image!.imageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate)
myImageView.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

As often, a lot of typical problems can be solved directly in Xcode using just properties and Interface Builder — sometimes the settings are just buried in Xcode’s panels and hard to find.