From Business Processes to Running Applications
Stefan Tilkov, innoQ Deutschland GmbH
[email protected]
- Motivation
- MDA Overview
- MDA Hands-On
- BPM + MDA Vision
- Showcase
Hopefully, we're doing all this for good enough reasons.
Let's take a look at them.
- Business and IT today
- A look at software development
- Projects, products, business needs, and technology
Business and IT Today
- Businesses face the need for adapting fast
- New opportunities require flexibility
- IT systems need to enable, not hinder, change
- IT is becoming more and more important
A Look at Software Development
- Typical large-scale software development efforts take years
- There are different lifecycles for
- projects
- products
- business needs
- technologies & products
Project Lifecycle
- Typical software systems evolve through
- requirements engineering
- analysis
- design
- implementation and
- test
- Analysis and design are largely technology-independent
- Might be (and should be) done iteratively/incrementally
- Agile methods don't change this fundamentally
- A project is by definition something with a beginning and an end
Product Lifecycle
- A product -- even an internal one -- is a system with multiple releases
- The building of a release is usually done within a project
- For a particular product, there might be one release in development and another one in maintenance
Product Lifecycle (2)
- A product lifecycle contains
- the initial project idea
- budgeting, make-or-buy analysis
- release planning (possibly)
- repeatedly
- projects
- deployment
- operation
- migration
- parallel operation
- phase-out
- Overall, a product may live for 10, 20 or even 30 years
Business Needs
- Business needs (or business models) change due to
- changing markets
- aquisitions and mergers
- new strategies
- investor priorities
- Changing business requirements is a totally unpredictable process
- Technologies get introduced, become popular, over-hyped, useful and obsolete
- Recent examples include RPC, CORBA, J2EE, Web Services
- Products are upgraded to new versions 1 to 2 times per year
- major trends change every 2-5 years
The Problem: Unsynchronized Lifecycles
- All of these cycle at different speed
- Systems capture a specific state of multiple interlocked cycles
- One can't be changed without affecting the other
- Even the coolest technology can become outdated within the life of a product
- sometimes even within one project!
- BUT: Just because there's a new technology that'd be cool to use, you can't afford to throw everything away!
The Attempt at a Solution: MDA
MDA, OMG's Model Driven Architecture, addresses these problems.
Our next task is to find out how.

MDA Overview
- Modeling
- MDA concept
- PIM and PSM
- Standards
- Vision and reality
Let's re-iterate what we're modeling for:
- A model is an abstraction that enables to reason about something with less complexity
- A business model is independent of any particular technology
- The goal of modeling is to come up with models that help us to
- have something both business and IT people can understand
- can be used for efficient communication between project staff and stakeholders
- documents what the system does at a high level
The Modeling Problem
The problem with models is that they're usually not in sync with the system.
- Developers find out the analysts/designers were wrong
- The system evolves and the model is not updated
- Requirements changed and are channeled through directly to implementation
A model that is not correct may be worse than no model at all.
The MDA concept
- Give models a new, extremely important role
- Let them be the initial input for formalized and automated development
- change your development process architecture so that it is model-driven
- A PIM, a Platform Independent Model, captures the business design
- A PSM, a Platform Specific Model, targets a specific platform
- A PIM is turned into one or more PSMs via transformations or mappings
MDA and Other OMG Standards
- MDA is not a standard, but a development paradigm
- Other standards from OMG are re-used:
MOF - Meta Object Facility
- Standard 4-level (M0-M3) meta-modeling concepts
- Separated from UML in 1.x, common foundation in 2.x
- Most popular (EMOF) incarnation in Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)

Meta-Modeling with MOF
- For a specific problem domain, a specific language is created
- This is done by means of a meta-model
- Tools, such as repositories, may support MOF meta-models
- Domain descriptions are models (instances of the meta-model)
- UML is one general purpose domain-specific, MOF-compliant modeling language
- It covers (almost) every known facet of object-oriented software development
- Contains Action Semantics - a Turing-complete "programming language"
- UML contains (limited) customization/extensibility facilities

UML Metamodel (1)

UML Metamodel (2)

CWM (Common Warehouse Metamodel)

- XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) is an XML language for exchanging MOF/UML models
- Supported by every CASE tool vendor
- Used to enable inter-operability between tools from the same or different vendors
- In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice
MDA Vision
- There is a market for pre-defined mappings for standard platforms, such as .NET or J2EE
- Models can be interchanged and re-used across different platforms
- Business designers model systems, programming is done automatically
- Everything is contained in models
MDA Reality
- 100% system design via modeling is not universally accepted
- Exception: Specific domains, such as Real-Time/Command & Control
- Nearly all tools and approaches follow the "MDA light" pattern
MDA in Practice
- Modeling is used where it is more productive than programming (typically, but not only, for structural aspects)
- The modeling language is UML
- Transformation of models to implementation is done via code-generation (no model-to-model transformation)
- Algorithms and business logic are implemented in the programming language of choice
Meta-modeling with UML
- UML supports profiles as a substitute for "real" meta-models
- A profile customizes ("tailors") the UML to suit specific needs
- The profile specifies stereotypes and tagged values that can be applied to model elements
- CASE tools differ in their support for enforcing rules
MDA Tool Chain
- CASE tool to create a model and exports XMI
- Code generator that reads XMI and emits (or updates) code
- Development environment
- Runtime platform
Relationships and Overview

MDA Hands-On
- Explore MDA capabilities
- Generate applications
- Change models, regenerate
- Change transformation, regenerate
The Tool Set
- SparxSystems Enterprise Architect
- innoQ iQgen
- BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP3
- MySQL Database Server
- Apache Ant
Example UML Profile
For simplicity's sake, we'll stick to the basics:
Class Diagram / Classes
- Persistent objects
- Classes with Stereotype
- Attributes are persistent
- Facades (Session Beans)
- Classes with Stereotype
- Persistent objects are assigned to the facade with a directed association of the stereotype
Class Diagram / Associations
- Associations between
- Directed links with named target roles
- Cardinalities "to 1" and "to Many"
Business Process Modeling
- Business process modeling is usually not done with an IT focus
- Stakeholders are business people, not IT folks
- Models exist at different levels of abstraction
BPM and IT
- Business Processes are mapped to IT systems with varying degrees (depending on the industry)
- There are numerous way to make use of business process models:
- For documentation purposes
- As an information/change impact analysis tool
- Strategic planning
- To drive a BPM engine
- We are going to explore how to marry BPM to MDA
- Enable a consistent modeling approach from the highest to the lowest level
- Different views/different levels of abstraction
- Manual, semi-automated, fully-automated transformation
- Bridge the gap between business models and IT models
- Model business process as an Aris eEPC
- Export process definition to CASE tool
- Enrich model with IT-related, platform-independent information
- Generate application based on pre-defined transformations
- Refine application
Things to do
- Extend the UML profile and the templates to support
- Controls with labels, optionally including internationalization support
- visual and tab order of controls in views
- re-generation of views after modification
- Generate JPDs from activity diagrams
- Integrate WL Workshop into the tool chain
- Integrate alternative backends, e.g. Hibernate or JDO