Computerwahl in Brandenburg: Jüngste Beobachtungen übertrafen schlimmste Befürchtungen
(Quick summary in English: German Chas Computer Club again found severe problems in the handling of electronic voting in a state election. The only reasonable conclusion, of course, is to disallow the usage of electronic voting machines altogether.)
Der Chaos Computer Club schreibt:
Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hat mit Hilfe freiwilliger Wahlbeobachter am 28. September 2008 in zehn brandenburgischen Kommunen eine weitere Wahlbeobachtung durchgeführt. Ziel war es, den tatsächlichen Einsatz von Wahlcomputern bei den Kommunalwahlen zu dokumentieren und die Behauptungen des Wahlcomputer-Herstellers sowie der zuständigen Bundes- und Landeswahlbehörden zur Sicherheit, Akzeptanz und Bedienerfreundlichkeit zu überprüfen.
I hardly think this is the justification for a blanket dismissal of electronic voting systems.
Germany has a population of around 82 million people. In federal elections, which are held on Sundays, we get reliable election results on the same day, and the final tally on Tuesday.
All based on paper.
There is absolutely no reason to put this very reliable system at risk by using machines that require very thorough and informed handling, are open to manipulation (as demonstrated multiple times by the CCC), and don’t leave a paper trail.