QCon SF: Obie Fernandez -- "Desiging RESTful Rails applications"
These are my unedited notes from Obie Fernandez’s talk
- introduction to REST - Obie focuses on C/S architecture, stateless communication, and caching
- REST support in Rails: view helper methods and enhancements to the routing system
- more than a set of naming conventions
- benefits: convenience for the developer, a REST interface for everyone else
- much of Rails non-compliant with the precepts of REST
- every real-world Rails app contains sessions, uses cookies
- started out with Routing and CRUD
- it’s good to use CRUD-based names
- much of Rails’ REST support is easy generation of named routes
- example:
map.resource :auctions
- will create 4 named routes for 7 controller actions - difference between resources and representations
- opinionated REST support
- emphasis: resources should not be confused with the actual physical things in your systems
- actual code samples - explanation of the link between the name of a route and the generated _path method
- instead of having
, pickauction\_path
- (it’s interesting to note that Obie uses a mix of speaking freely and obviously reading from notes. hm.)
- overloading based on the HTTP verb
- explanation of the stuff generated by
map.resources :auctions
(I’ll skip this, look it up) - rules for request methods - default is GET, in form_tag or form_for, POST is used
- explanation of the PUT and DELETE hack
- creation and update require two “extra” actions (new and edit) to display the forms, kind of like a pre-resource
- extra named routes:
- singular named routes (
instead of the plural form) allow you to identify things that exist only once - yields
only - example: login is something you’d model as a POST and DELETE on a single “session” resource (I find this entirely unconvincing)
- nested resources, example bids as nested resources of an auction
- why not
? URL is more informative, longer URL allows access to the auction id viaparams[:auction\_id]
- nesting can be of any depth - recommendation: 2 levels at the most
- controller by default gets the same name as the (plural) resource name
- RESTful route customization:
:members => { :retract => :get}
within the nested bid resource :any
instead of:get
will map any sort of request to the same action- instead of a retract action, a more RESTful way would be a retraction resource
- analogy: RESTfulness, like normalization, is not binary
- Pete Lacey suggests using a PUT with a new state to retract a bid
- Obie suggests the goal should be to keep your actions concise and to the point
- different representations of resources: responds_to (using .xml as an example)
- additional view helpers:
formatted\_auction\_path(auction, "xml")
(I didn’t know this) - Question: When to add “.xml” to the end? What about the location header - should it point to the .xml
- Comment from the audience: some caches don’t cache if you don’t have an extension
- Ola Bini and Pete Lacey argue about status codes and text support in Rails
- Pete: will there be an ability to use something in the URL that doesn’t map to a controller
- Comment: there’s a separators array that allows you to customize this
- regexp mappings in route are possible
- conditions on routes allow for additional flexibility
I knew about 90% of all this, but the Q&A was helpful. Good talk.