Upcoming Conference Sessions
Conference season again — some (most? all? if I only knew …) my upcoming appearances:
- 9 Oct, BeJUG Enterprise SOA’07 Conference, Montil, Affligem, Belgium: “REST for SOA: How to apply the Web’s principles to Enterprise SOA”
- 10-11 Oct, Cologne, Germany: Another two-day Ruby on Rails tutorial (together with Phillip)
- 6 November, W-JAX 2007, Munich, Germany: “JAX-RS: The Java API for RESTful Web Services” and “SOA zwischen Geschäftskonzept und technologischer Architektur”, together with Gernot Starke; immediately afterwards, I’ll head to SF for …
- 7-9 November, QCon San Francisco: I’m hosting the SOA track; possibly, I’ll also do a presentation in the architecture track. More on this soon.
- 14 November, SOA-Kongress 2007, Mainz, Germany: “Metadaten als Fundament von SOA” (guess what this means)
- 29-30 November: another RoR tutorial, this time in Frankfurt, Germany
- 21-25 January, OOP 2008, Munich, Germany: I’m hosting the Ruby and Ruby on Rails track and will give two presentations, one on REST and SOA, one on Ruby metaprogramming.