

Erhöhte Development Experience

Backstage ist ein vielseitiges Framework, mit dem individuelle Developer-Portale erstellt werden können. Tammo van Lessen hat es sich genauer angesehen, weil es Probleme löst, die an vielen Ecken und Enden auftauchen: "Wer maintained denn das Stück Software eigentlich?" oder "Wo finde ich den Bug Tracker?". In dieser Folge diskutieren Tammo van Lessen und Sven Johann, wie Backstage als zentrale Plattform dezentrale Inhalte automatisch zusammenbringt und dadurch die Verwaltung von Services, Templates, APIs, Observability und Dokumentationen vereinfacht.
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Senior Consultant

Sven Johann is Senior Consultant at INNOQ and has been involved in the modernization of medium and large Java applications for many years. He is an active participant in various workshops of the Software Engineering Institute (Managing Technical Debt) and the Leibnitz Zentrum für Informatik (Dagstuhl Seminar “Managing Technical Debt”). He is also Program Chair of GOTO Amsterdam and Show Host of Software Engineering Radio.

Principal Consultant

Tammo van Lessen is a Principal Consultant at INNOQ. He is an elected member of the Apache Software Foundation. He co-authored a German book on WS-BPEL and was a member of OMG’s BPMN 2.0 Finalization Task Force. He published several academic and non-academic articles on Web services & business process execution and has a weakness for rightsized software architectures, Microservices, DevOps and modern monitoring tooling. He is a regular speaker on national and international conferences.