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Gerade entdeckt, dass UnSpun auf Rails basiert. Viele werden jetzt denken na und ?! UnSpun ist eine Plattform von amazon, die es sogar schon länger gibt. Irgendwie find ich cool, dass auch so große Firmen wie amazon Rails für sich entdeckt haben.

Noch kurz zu dem Service:

" What is the point of UnSpun?

* Existing methods for community collaboration on the Web aren't good at developing consensus rankings. If you do a web search for "sexiest movies," you might find websites that have lists of "sexiest movies," but each will be the opinion of the individual who authored that website.

Wikis (as prominently and beautifully exemplified by Wikipedia) are an excellent mechanism for community collaboration, but they don't support consensus rankings. Imagine a large group of people editing and re-editing a wiki page that purported to have a ranked list of "sexiest movies." It wouldn't work -- they'd step on each other.

So that's the niche that UnSpun endeavors to fill.

If you want to see the community consensus on what's the best or the worst, the scariest or the funniest, the tastiest or the dumbest, UnSpun provides the right amount of structure to make that possible."

Irgendwie erinnert mich der Header auf der Seite so an 37signals... :-)


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 6, 2007 10:26 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Advanced Rails Recipes Now in Beta.

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