These are my live notes from Jens Krämer's talk on JRuby on Rails at Rails-Konferenz 2008.
- Not talking about ferret and full text search for a change :-)
- Germany's 1st JRuby on Rails project, started in Dec 2007
- JRuby 1.8.6 compatible – no problems w/ incompatibilities in his project
- Recommendation: Cherry as a wrapper for Swing if one is serious about GUI development
- Differences in JRuby: native threads, GC, Unicode, JIT
- JRuby benefits: runs everywhere, politics, performance
- It is possible to deploy a Rails app as a .war, even in practice
- Performance of Rails on Ruby and JRuby almost identical based on his experience
- Development done with JRuby and Webrick
- Test and production on JBoss
- JNDI Datasources as a benefit for admin/deployment
- Mongrel/Java considered exotic – why do JRuby when not deploying to a Java web server?
- JRuby-Rack bridges between servlet engine and Ruby and can run both Merb and Rails apps
- Project context: Medienservice Sachsen
- Media/PR handling for the German state of Saxonia
- External performance and load testing
- Live since April 08
- Features
- Historical correctness
- Scheduled publication
- Emailing to journalists (PDF, plain text, html, xml)
- Personalisation
- Asynchronous background process to handle mail delivery (including early releases of time-embargoed news)
- Main problem: migration
- Old application: WebObjects/Java
- 4 WO applications, Oracle backend w/ lots of views and stored procedures
- Goal: centralization to eGovernment Platform, based on JBoss and Apache, Oracle RAC
- DB Schema had to be kept, including Latin-1 data
- Functional equivalence
- Having tests performed by external company was an excellent experience
- Initial phase: Grails considered. Didn't work out; reasons: Grails is very different from Rails, relies on Hibernate, had many bugs (Autumn 2007)
- Using Hibernate meant having to write lots of XML config to match the existing database schema – learning curve way too high (no previous Hibernate experience)
- Didn't like GSP (Groovy Server Pages)
- Might have changed now
- Decision to use Rails
- Three separate applications: frontend, backend, mail handling
- ActiveRecord was easily flexible enough to handle the existing schema – configuration possible
- Specific models for existing views
- Models for more than one table/view (in case of filters)
- Many plugins
- Scheduling: handled via Cron in original version; BackgrounDrb was not an option
- Usage of Quartz scheduler (Rails plugin at [very cool!]
- Logging: log file handling didn't work because of concurrent access from multiple threads
- Log4J integration for Rails:
- ServletContextListener changes default logger
- Oracle-specific stuff: transparent app failover only works with OCI
- Blob handling via JDBC streaming (manual JRuby coding)
- Nice pattern: high-level Ruby to script low-level Java libs
- Java Advanced Imaging API for thumbnails
- Apache FOP for XSLT
- Java-based clustered caching was considered, but not used: filesystem-based fragment caching
as conversion for usage of e.g. ByteArrayInputStreams- mod_jk problems (not related to Rails)
- Requirements: 60 parallel users (with real, not artificially high load), no page returned in more than 3s
- 50-60 requests per second in a VM on a quad core box
- Summary
- no problems with inaccessible target production environment - benefit of mature Java platform
- local development w/ Webrick and local JBoss
- JRuby and Rails absolutely production-ready
- Customer was "tricked" into JRuby, but is happy - now asking for ways to more, even without JBoss :-)
- Tests take too long because of JRuby startup time
- No attempt to do development/test with CRuby/MRI because of Java dependencies
- Effort: 4 months, mostly one person (him).
- Reason for whole project: eGovernment initiative/centralization on JBoss/Apache
- Is JRuby an option for people w/o Java background: absolutely yes, although some choices might end up differently
Great talk!
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