Is JBoss 4.2.x AS Java EE 5 compatible?
March 20, 2008
The answer is “NO”. Because some people ask me this question all the time, I think now is the time to make some explanations concerning that issue.
“The new planned JBoss Application Server 5 will support the entire Java EE 5 specification.”
JBoss 4.2.X implemented EJB 3.0 functionality by the way of EJB MBean Container. That means it runs as plugim in the APPServer. As a consequence of the EJB 3.0 plugin integration, JBoss 4.2.X supports injection of @EJB references and EntityManager between different EJB components and this support is limited only to the EJB 3.0 MBeam and the JAR files.
Any reference of @EJB into a WAR (with servlets and JSF) can’t be released in JBoss 4.2.X AS.
I hope the information was helpful.
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