Geronimo is now Java EE 5 compatible
June 14, 2007
The Apache Geronimo project with the latest release candidate (2.0-M6-rc1) has passed all tests in the Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 Compatibility Test Suite. Summarized, we can say that, it is the first open source application server other than Glassfish to pass the tests.
To conver some Java EE functionalities, this version use projects such as:
- ActiveMQ
- Axis
- MyFaces
- OpenJPA
This page contains a single entry from Serge Pagop's Weblog posted on June 14, 2007 11:40 AM. The previous post in this blog was XMLType with TopLink-essentials JPA. The next post in this blog is $8.5 Billion to buy the big cake BEA Systems. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
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