Speed up your Web-App development with the EJB 3.0 and JPA
In this interesting Pinaki Poddar's blog you can learn how the EJB 3.0 and JPA programming model can reduce and simplify some tasks in the development of Web Applications.
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In this interesting Pinaki Poddar's blog you can learn how the EJB 3.0 and JPA programming model can reduce and simplify some tasks in the development of Web Applications.
Ernie Svehla Chief Architect of IntelliObjects gives us through this presentation by infoQ some views of Java EE Class Loading Architectures and makes the difference between architectures Class Loading in some AppServers like JBoss AS 4.0.2, Sun's Appserver 9, BEA WebLogic 9.1. I found this presentation useful and interesting.
Because some peoples ask me frequently about the different about TopLink Essentials and Oracle TopLink product, I decided to give through this blog a minimal answer.
TopLink Essentials are the reference implementation (RI) of JPA, is an open source effort that is licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.0. It can be freely downloaded and used under the terms of this license agreement. This means, you can only use it for the management of persistence and orm with Java EE and Java SE. The binary distribution of TopLink consist of 2 jars:
In addition to TopLink Essentials that makes the JPA implementation alive, Oracle offers its Oracle TopLink product (10.1.3) that contains an earlier preview binary of JPA and also offers developers additional object-relational capabilities, object-XML mapping (JAXB), non-relational mapping using Java 2.0 Connector Architecture (JCA).
TopLink-essentials is only a reference implementation of JPA at sun and does not support XMLType of oracle. for more informations about how to support XMLType with TopLink-essentials Tom Ware Principal Software Engineer for Oracle gave this solutions:
Prior to the time we implemented XMLType support in Oracle TopLink it was possible to get some basic XMLType support working using a custom Converter in TopLink. Here is a link with a brief description of what a converter is:
It should be possible to build an converter in TopLink Essentials that can handle at least basic reading and writing (more complex queries will still require using native SQL). Configuring a mapping to use a converter is an extension of the actual JPA specification and would require using a descriptor Customizer. There is a description in the
link below.
Hopefully, this can help you.
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