In der letzten Zeit gab es ziemlich viel Kritik am Groovy Projekt. Dennoch hat sich dort einiges getan:
- Early Acces version of the JSR parser
- viele Bugfixes
- einige neue Features
- Erweiterungen
Außerdem finde ich das COM Scripting ziemlich cool:
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXProxy
// create a proxy for Excel
xls = new ActiveXProxy("Excel.Application")
xls.Visible = true
// get the workbooks object
workbooks = xls.Workbooks
// add a new workbook
workbook = workbooks.Add()
// select the active sheet
sheet = workbook.ActiveSheet
// get a handle on two cells
a1 = sheet.Range('A1')
a2 = sheet.Range('A2')
// sets a value for A1
a1.Value = 123.456
// defines a formula in A2
a2.Formula = '=A1*2'
println "a1: ${a1.Value.value}"
println "a2: ${a2.Value.getValue()}"
// close the workbook without asking for saving the file
workbook.Close(false, null, false)
// quits excel