May 12, 2004

Relaunch: New Structure; New Design

Today I will try a relaunch of my blog. I decided to write about following topics:

  • iQgen - innoQ's famous code genarator

  • Eclipse

  • Groovy - a new agile dynamic language for the JVM

  • Service Oriented Architectures & Web Services

I also have changed the design of my blog (not finished yet!).

But there are some questions left:
How do I change the banner to a banner image?
How can I add some images to the right side?
How do I replace the syndicate link with the rss image?

Posted by Marcel Tilly at May 12, 2004 05:26 PM

Another question is:
How can you find a decent spellchecker?

(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

Posted by: Stefan Tilkov at April 21, 2004 09:04 PM
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