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List of WCF Resources

Joe Stagner provides an extensive list of videos and labs for WCF:

So, here you go!  Sixty Five Videos and Virtual Labs to make you a WCF Expert !

If you’re interested in the WCF Web Programming Model (RESTful WCF), you might take a look at Steve Maine’s WCF Web Programming Model Documentation.

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 11:53 | TrackBack


WCF v2 Features in .NET Framework 3.5

Christian Weyer has published some entries about the new WCF features of .NET 3.5.

In his first post he give a rough overview of the popular and not so popular new features. One of these features is the new Web Programming Model. Although support for RESTful Services is an important feature for the next version of the .NET Framework, I’m wondering, whether a slick light-weight solution (such as Mindtouch Dream), which remains true to the principles and simplicity of REST, isn’t much better suited than an all-in-one silver-bucket attempt.

Dominick Baier joins in and writes about Usernames over Transport Authentication in WCF.

In his most recent blog post Christian publishes a list of all updated/new WS-* specs in WCF v2.

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 12:13


The new WCF Web Programming Model supports REST Design

Microsoft’s Don Box and Steve Maine have introduced the new WCF Web Programming Model in their talk at MIX’07. I published an article on InfoQ outlining the Web Programming Model and quoting some statements about the future directions of WCF as announced in this talk.

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 20:20 | TrackBack


WCF Dynamic Proxy

I’m a big fan of WCF XML Messaging, i.e. making use of the Message object and accessing the SOAP envelope directly. In my opinion this approach supports the loosely coupled nature of services best.

Although Untyped Services have no need for generated service proxies and they don’t rely on XML serialization, you have to provide the service contract (.NET interface). You might generate the interface from the published WSDL or write the code by hand. Either way the development of a service contract on the client side is annoying.

The WCF team at NetFx3 has published a WCF Dynamic Proxy, which relies on the WSDL URL in order to create a proxy for communication with a service:

1. Create the ProxyFactory specifying the WSDL URI of the service.

    DynamicProxyFactory factory = new DynamicProxyFactory(“http://localhost:8080/WcfSamples/DynamicProxy?wsdl”);

2. Browse the endpoints, metadata, contracts etc.

3. Create DynamicProxy to an endpoint by specifying either the endpoint or
   contract name.
    DynamicProxy proxy = factory.CreateProxy(“ISimpleCalculator”);


    DynamicProxy proxy = factory.CreateProxy(endpoint);
4. Invoke operations on the DynamicProxy
    dobule result = (dobule)proxy.CallMethod(“Add”, 1d ,2d);

5. Close the DynamicProxy


This is a great way of (really) decoupling your client (consumer) from the service (provider)!

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 10:50 | Comments (1) | TrackBack


BASTA 2007 Spring Edition - Vortragsfolien

Es war wieder einmal eine sehr interessante BASTA in Frankfurt. Viele neue Gesichter waren zu sehen und ebenso viele Neuigkeiten von den Kollegen zu hören.

Hier wie versprochen die Folien und die Solution zu meinem Vortrag:

Dokumenten- und Schema-basierte Services mit WCF

Vielen Dank für drei spannende und informative Tage!

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 21:55 | TrackBack


Dokumenten- und Schema-basierte Services mit WCF

Ich werde auf der BASTA! Spring Edition 2007 auf dem Enterprise Architecture Management Day am 26.02.2007 einen Vortrag zum Thema

Dokumenten- und Schema-basierte Services mit WCF

halten. Ich würde mich freuen, Sie auf der Konferenz zu treffen und über WCF, SOA und Services zu diskutieren.

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 15:50 | TrackBack


"The Service Factory for WCF" article by Aaron Skonnard

After downloading and blogging about the new release of the Service Factory yesterday, I discovered that Aaron Skonnard’s second article about the Service Factory has been published on MSDN. This time he writes about the WCF flavor of the factory, which generates Windows Communication Foundation code.

As usual, Aaron Skonnard does a great job of pointing out and describing the most important features and processes.

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 14:39 | TrackBack


New Service Factory release

Don Smith announced a new release of the Service Factory in his blog. I wrote about the Factory, already. Although I haven’t had the time to investigate the new release, the thing that intrigued me the most was the WSDL-First feature.

This might be the feature all of those Schema/Contract-First geeks (including myself) had hoped and waited for …

Download the ASP.NET and WCF services C# edition, now! 

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 16:40 | TrackBack