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The Rails Question & the .NET Open Source Dilemma


Harry Pierson examines The Rails Question,  asked by Nick Malik, in his blog: “what is the Rails “answer” on the Microsoft platform?

At first Pierson readily refers to the Microsoft Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) team, which will provide a Ruby implementation on the .NET platform. In order to be accepted this implementation has to incorporate a Rails implementation. Then he muses about an alternative: “can ASP.NET evolve to be more Rails-esque?”.

The answer is … yes … perhaps. He even mentions the Castle Project, which has an ASP.NET implementation inspired by Action Pack:

The Castle Project has an ASP.NET implementation of MVC (aka MonoRail) and Active Record (also called Active Record). But I assume Nick’s more interested in what ships natively in the platform to compare to Rails.

I completely agree with him that MonoRail provides a very good way of programming ASP.NET applications the “Rails-esque” way. What strikes me (again and again) is the second part. It’s one of the many examples that the .NET community (for the most part) ignores Open Source Projects. The (only) reasons why: it doesn’t ship “natively in the platform”, i.e. it’s not “approved” by or coming from Microsoft. Stupid!

The Java community has benefited a lot from the many Open Source projects. In fact Java probably wouldn’t have succeeded without them. In the .NET world OS projects are mainly ignored, which in turn leads to abandoned projects, bad support and less initiatives. This is a dilemma only the community can solve …

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 21:15 | TrackBack



Endlich ist es soweit! Das Mammut-Werk zu Service-orientierten Architekturen, herausgegeben von Gernot Starke und Stefan Tilkov, steht in den Regalen der Buchhändler und ist natürlich auch hier erhältlich. In fast 50 einzelnen Beiträgen schreiben viele renommierte Experten über Themen wie SOA-Grundlagen, betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte, Prozess- und Methodenansätze, Governance, Architektur und Technik sowie Betrieb von SOA-Infrastrukturen.

Ich habe einen Beitrag mit dem Titel “WCF als Basis einer SOA” verfasst.

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 14:46 | TrackBack


Interview: Jezz Santos about Software Factories

My interview with Jezz Santos, a trusted expert advisor for the Web Service Software Factory and the creator of one of the world’s first implementations of a software factory (the ‘EFx Factory’), which demonstrates some of the advanced features of a future generation of software factories to come from Microsoft, is published on InfoQ, at last.

Go read it here.

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 19:25 | TrackBack


Microsoft Surface

That’s a cool piece of hardware! I’d like to have such a table with a 30” Multi-Touch Screen …

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 20:08 | TrackBack

Google Developer Day 2007

Yesterday I attended the Google Developer Day 2007 in Hamburg. GDD07 was a world-wide event taking place in 10 cities around the globe. I provided an extensive report on this day on InfoQ.

The event was a success. I enjoyed listening to the sessions, the discussion with some of the developers, and the opportunities for networking. Thanks for a great day!

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Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 18:02 | TrackBack