Ok, so the last few days I had a bit of a struggle concerning the script.aculo.us in place editor and the corresponding plugin/helper in rails.
So here are my links that really helped me solving these issues:
- InPlaceEditing in Ruby on Rails (in case you get an error like "Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4—if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id")
- in_place_edit_for, in_place_editor_field and Complex Cases (if it's not the 'standard' way you want to use the editor for) and
- can't get in_place_edit to work in rails 2.0 (if you use cookie based session data and turned on the protect_from_forgery secret key; actually the 'solution' given in this thread is more a workaround - but useful anyway)
If you have more interesting links regarding the in_place_editor and rails, feel free to leave a comment right here. Thanks.
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