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Years of irrelevance

"Requiring X years of experience on platform Y in your job posting is, well, ignorant."

DHH on the 37signals blog.

I found this post really interesting (including the comments).

As a student I never applied for a job that required X years in experience on a specific platform, but I sometimes wondered how hard employers insist on such a point on a job offer.
I mean, it really depends on the single person. There a definitely programmers (not to say geeks ;-) ) that are better in programming X after one year of experience than others are after - say - 3 years (IMHO).

What do you think?

Comments (1)

Actually, that's why innoQ prefers most to rely on word-of-mouth recommendations by colleagues we know well.

Certificates and diplomas can't tell you about the abilities of applicants. Neither job interviews can.

In my view every job offer describes a need; giving people hints what might be expected. Formalizing these aspects while ignoring its essence is weakness of several HR professionals.

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DanielHi. I'm Daniel Pietzsch and this is my innoQ-Blog. I'm a 26y old student at FH Bochum and working student at innoQ.
In this blog I mainly write about the progress concerning my diploma thesis which will be an in-house application for innoQ based on Ruby on Rails, but some other (geek) stuff might appear here, too.

daniel [dot] pietzsch [alt-L] innoq [dot] com

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